EAC Partner States urged to educate citizens on monkeypox

Date Published

EAC Partner States urged to educate citizens on monkeypox

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 16th June, 2022East African Community (EAC) Partner States have been urged to provide necessary information for their citizens to protect themselves against monkeypox and prevent the virus from spreading.  

This follows reports by the World Health Organization (WHO) of 780 laboratory confirmed cases of monkeypox as of 2ndJune, 2022. The cases have been reported to or identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) from 27 Member States across four WHO regions that are not endemic for monkeypox virus, while Monkeypox is endemic in some African countries.  

According to the WHO, 1,392 suspected cases of monkeypox have been reported this year until mid of May in seven African countries. Out of these, 44 cases are confirmed. This is in the 4.5 months slightly less than half the number of cases reported for the whole of last year.  

According to WHO, the sudden appearance of monkeypox in multiple countries across the world indicates the virus has been spreading undetected for some time outside the West and Central African nations where it is usually found. 

“Because of the proximity of the EAC Partner States to some of the affected countries, it is important that we takeprecautionary measures to minimize its spread. It is important that people are given necessary information on the nature of the disease and how they can protect themselves and prevent the disease from spreading,” said Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of the Productive and Social Sectors.  

“This will also help in avoiding unnecessary panic and stigmatization particularly now that people easily associate any disease outbreak to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” added Hon. Bazivamo. 

The DSG further emphasized on the importance of factual risk communication to communities, that provides necessary information without causing unnecessary concern, and need for stepping up surveillance. 

Monkeypox outbreaks are not new. The virus was first discovered in monkeys in 1958, with the first human case in the African region detected in 1970. Since then, there have been multiple outbreaks of the viral disease that can spread from animals to humans but can also spread between people.  

Transmission is possible through close contact with an infected person, or objects including clothes and bedsheets as well as droplets. Symptoms typically include skin rash or lesions, fever, intense headache, muscle aches, back pain, general body weakness and swollen lymph nodes and last from two to four weeks. 

In many patients, the symptoms are moderate and clear up on their own but severe cases and even death can occur. WHO states the case fatality ratio, or the percent of people dying compared to those diagnosed, to be around 3-6 percent.  

In comparison to COVID-19, which is a highly contagious disease, transmission of monkeypox is more difficult. WHO assesses the current risk posed by monkeypox to human health and for the general public as low. 

To reduce the risk of contracting the virus, people should: 

  • Avoid coming into contact with people recently diagnosed with the virus or those who may have been infected. 
  • Wear a face mask when in close contact with someone who has symptoms. 
  • Use personal protective equipment when caring for patients with confirmed or suspected monkeypox infection. 
  • Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based sanitizers, especially after coming into contact with infected or infection-suspected animals or humans.  
  • Regularly wash clothing and bedsheets at high temperature 
  • Only eat meat that has been cooked thoroughly. 
  • Avoid coming into contact with sick animals that could be carrying the virus, such as rodents or non-human primates and refrain from eating or handling so-called bush meat. 

A person who suspects to have contracted monkeypox should self-isolate him or herself from physical contact with others and seek medical advice immediately. The virus causing monkeypox belongs to the same group as the smallpox virus, however, it is a much milder and less deadly form of it.  

Vaccination against smallpox has been shown to be protective against monkeypox and a new vaccine against smallpox and monkeypox has been approved but is not yet widely available. An antiviral to treat the monkeypox virus has been recently approved in the United States of America and in the European Union. Otherwise, treatment aims to ease the symptoms and includes, for example, painkillers. 


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EAC Secretariat warns of a drier than usual season between October and December 2020

Date Published

EAC Secretariat warns of a drier than usual season between October and December 2020

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 7 October, 2020: While October to December is normally considered an important rainfall season for Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, this time round a drier than normal season is expected in most parts of the EAC region. Only western Uganda and the border area with South Sudan might see higher than normal rainfall according to the Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum that brings together the national meteorological and hydrological experts in the region. The Deputy Secretary General in charge of Productive and Social Sectors in the EAC Secretariat, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, urges the Partner States to take appropriate measures in time to mitigate possible threats to the citizens related to the expected high temperatures.

Rains in the region are expected to start late over Burundi, eastern Kenya and Tanzania while they will start earlier than usual in the rest of Kenya, Rwanda and southern Uganda including the border region with South Sudan. These weather conditions are driven by near average sea surface temperatures over the western Equatorial Indian Ocean coupled with warmer than average conditions over the eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean, a combination which is not favourable for good rainfall over most of East Africa.

Due to the impact of climate change, scientists expect up to 45% yield reductions for grain crops, such as maize, rice and soybean by the end of this century for Sub Saharan Africa. However, two grain crops, namely millet and sorghum, are more resilient to climate change with expected yield reductions of less than 20%. Root crops, such as sweet potato, potato and cassava are also projected to be less affected than most crops with yields reductions ranging from about 15% to 10%. For the two major export crops, tea and coffee, up to 40% yield loss is expected due to the reduction in suitable growing areas caused by increasing temperatures according to the Association of Applied Biologists’ Journals (https://www.aab.org.uk/journals).

In an effort to prevent and mitigate the impact of the drier than usual weather pattern in parts of the region, the Senior Meteorology Officer at the EAC Secretariat, James Kivuva, urges the Partner States to consider the following:

  • The Ministries responsible for Water, Environment and Natural resources should enhance water conservation measures;
  • They should closely monitor the pasture and water conditions in the pastoral areas and plan for feed and water assistance, such as water tracking and fodder supplementation for the breeding stock;
  • The Ministries of Agriculture should advise livestock farmers to use the available grazing resources sparingly and to harvest and keep water, dry herbage and keep it as hay for the animals;
  • They should promote and encourage households to establish vegetable gardens to prevent malnutrition and
  • Encourage farmers to grow drought-resistant crops like millet, sorghum and cassava.
  • Encourage them to observe good agricultural practices as advised by agricultural extension officers.

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EAC unveils COVID-19 Response Plan

Date Published

EAC unveils COVID-19 Response Plan

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 30th April, 2020: The East African Community has unveiled a comprehensive COVID-19 Response Plan to reinforce measures to protect and prevent further spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic within the region.

The response plan was developed following a directive by the Joint Meeting of Ministers responsible for Health, Trade and EAC Affairs held via Video Conference, which directed the EAC Secretariat to finalize and submit the EAC Regional COVID-19 Response Plan to the Partner States.

Among the key interventions proposed in the plan that was unveiled by the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of the Productive and Social Sectors, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, on behalf on behalf of the Secretary General, are risk communication and community engagement, which will entail strengthening sensitization programmes and awareness creation on COVID-19.

The response plan further seeks to ensure access to Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) materials, laboratory supplies and equipment by the EAC Organs and Institutions, and the EAC Partner States.

Another key intervention is to strengthen the region’s capacity for COVID-19 surveillance and reporting at all key border points, and build knowledge on safety measures, existing prevention and control strategies, and relevant regional guidelines.

Mitigation of the fundamental impacts of the pandemic on the vital economic and social sectors of the region including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is another key intervention outlined in the document.

Other proposed measures include: building regional capacity to support Partner States on surveillance, monitoring and coordination of preparedness and response to the pandemic; research and development, and resource mobilization.

The EAC is working with Partner States and Development Partners to mobilize various stakeholders to achieve a broad coalition in stepping up preparedness against COVID-19 in the region. These include airport authorities in Partner States’ points of entry, government regulatory agencies and other regional organizations.

Among the efforts taken so far by the Community include training of EAC Mobile Laboratory experts with one expert per Partner State having completed training on COVID-19 laboratory diagnosis at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The Community has also procured nine (9) mobile laboratories and is finalizing the distribution of the same to Partner States in April 2020. The mobile labs have a biosafety level ¾ capable of diagnosing Ebola and COVID-19.

“Staff from the Partner States have been trained and the laboratories are currently being handed over to respective countries with Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda having already received their labs,” said Hon. Bazivamo.

“Each EAC Partner State has received 100 test kits with an additional 500 having been ordered and will be will be distributed to the Partner States as soon as they are received,” added Hon. Bazivamo.

The bulk of the response will be managed at Partner States’ level with few regional interventions being coordinated by the EAC Regional Ad Hoc Coordination Committee (EARCC).

The EARCC (renamed Regional Taskforce on COVID-19) is linked to the national taskforce of each Partner State, and works closely with implementing agencies including GIZ, TradeMark East Africa, JICA and USAID KEA.



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EAC targets One Stop Border Posts' staff tp prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the region

Date Published

EAC targets One Stop Border Posts' staff tp prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the region

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 16 September 2020: Border Posts are high-risk areas regarding the spread of COVID 19 and other infectious diseases from one country to another. These “Points of Entry” are at the center of movement of people, animals and goods from one country to another.

The capacity of border post staff to prevent the spread of the virus and to quickly and expertly respond to infections in people who cross the border determines the efficiency. “The region has started opening its borders and space to allow movement of travelers in the region. This involves a risk as the pandemic has not yet ended”, says Hon Christophe Bazivamo, the Deputy Secretary General Productive and Social Sectors at the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat. To minimize this risk, the EAC will convene a training of trainers at 12 “One Stop Border Posts” (OSBPs) in the region to enhance the capacity of staff for infection prevention and for communicating the COVID-related risks to travelers.  

Human mobility across borders has exacerbated the spread of COVID 19 within the EAC region and beyond. It is hence pertinent and a matter of urgency that in addition to the measures already established, all staff of various sectors at the border posts are trained in the prevention of COVID 19. This will enable them to protect themselves effectively, while engaging with people at large scale. At the same time, it implements one of the key interventions of the EAC COVID 19 response plan. 

The EAC Secretariat with support from the German Government through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has engaged AMREF Flying Doctors (AFD) to conduct the emergency intervention trainings for about 330 staff in total at 12 OSBPs in the region, covering all Partner States.  

The training aims to enhance surveillance, prevention of and response to the spread of COVID 19 in and out of the Partner States. The target group for the training of trainers are border post stakeholders with close contact to travelers and/or their luggage, as well as to animals and goods. This includes staff from port and animal health, customs, immigration, revenue officers, luggage handlers, clearing agents, standards officers, border security and the joint cross-border management committees. By engaging sectors and professions beyond health, the project will also implement the One Health approach. It seeks to develop more robust emergency management systems and procedures while at the same time facilitating border post collaboration. 

“AMREF Flying Doctors will offer a comprehensive training of trainers to enable the OSBPs to develop their own staff training and surveillance regimes” says Stephen Gitau, AFD Chief Executive Officer. “This will contribute greatly towards the pillar of enhanced safety for travelers and the duty of care of EAC and the OSBP management to their workers and border users.”  

The training will enhance cooperation between the trainees from both sides of the border posts and thereby strengthen regional integration and joint understanding for the needs and special requirements of each of the two Partner States. It will enable the trained staff to communicate the risks related to COVID 19 in a scientifically sound and understandable manner to their customers/travelers and to sensitize them on the importance of protective measures for their own benefit and that of the people they interact with.  

The 2-day trainings will be offered over a period of 12 weeks. Each class will have 16 participants, 8 from each side of the border, and will take into account social distancing requirements. Two classes will be trained at large OSBPs and one class at the smaller ones. The training is scheduled to start end of September 2020. Subsequently, the trained trainers will develop and conduct their own classes to roll-out their brief training sessions. AFD will support the process and monitor the progress.  

The course design and curriculum development are based on the International Health Regulations, best practices of the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control as well as public health acts. 

The OSBPs where trainings of trainers are planned are: Burundi-Rwanda (Nemba/Gasenyi), Burundi-Tanzania (Kobero/Kabanga), Kenya-Tanzania (Isebania/Sirari and Lunga Lunga/Hororo), Kenya-Uganda (Malaba and Busia), Kenya-Tanzania (Namanga), Rwanda-Uganda (Gatuna/Katuna and Kagitumba/Mirama Hills), South Sudan-Uganda (Nimule/Elegu), Tanzania-Rwanda (Rusumo) and Tanzania-Uganda (Mutukula).  

- ENDS -

For more information, please contact:

Simon Peter Owaka
Senior Public Relations Officer
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 768 552087
Email: sowaka [at] eachq.org


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EAC strengthens capacity of staff at Ports for the prevention and detection of COVID-19

Date Published

EAC strengthens capacity of staff at Ports for the prevention and detection of COVID-19

East African Community, Arusha, Tanzania, 12th March 2021: Human mobility across countries has been one of the main sectors that facilitated the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world, and many of the confirmed COVID-19 cases in the EAC region have also had a history of travel. After staff at international airports and border posts in the EAC region was trained as trainers on preparedness and response measures to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, the first of 4 trainings at major harbors in the EAC region has started at the port of Mombasa, Republic of Kenya, on Monday, 8 March 2021. The trainings are convened by the EAC Secretariat and organised and conducted by AMREF Flying Doctors (AFD) in cooperation with WHO.  

“The trainings aim to build the knowledge of staff on safety measures, surveillance, prevention and control strategies and relevant regional guidelines”, explains the Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, the EAC-Deputy Secretary General in charge of Productive and Social Sectors, “AFD will offer a comprehensive Training of Trainers to enable the ports to develop their own staff training and surveillance regimes”. Stephen Gitau, AFD Chief Executive Officer says that “this will contribute greatly toward the pillar of enhanced safety for travelers and the duty of care of Partner States towards their port staff.”  

While past capacity building and awareness measures primarily focused on port health staff, this training will involve a wide range of staff with close contact to passengers and/or their luggage, such as port medical service providers, ship operators, selected crew members, staff at immigration and customs and cargo and baggage handlers among others.

The training at composes of one or two 2-day courses, depending on the size of the harbour. Topics will include among others “the port as a “red zone” – recognition of hot zones in the port and measures to identify and demarcate these areas”; “quarantine and isolation of passengers” and “decontamination of ships and harbour areas”.  

Each class will have 16 participants - taking into account social distancing requirements - so that a total of 80 key port personnel at the 4 harbours will become trained trainers and are expected to spearhead the development and conduction of targeted training sessions for the rest of the port personnel. The trained trainers will develop and conduct their own classes to roll-out their brief training sessions and AFD will support the process and monitor the progress.  

The course design and curriculum development are based on the International Health Regulations and best practices of the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control. Further ports to be trained until mid of April 2021 are Zanzibar (United Republic of Tanzania), Kisumu (Republic of Kenya) and Bujumbura (Republic of Burundi). 

The training is facilitated by the German Government through the Deutsche Gesellschaft fürInternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in its effort to support states in their response to COVID-19. GIZ supports the EAC Secretariat in its advisory and coordinating role for the Partner States in pandemic preparedness. 

For more information, please contact:

Simon Peter Owaka
Senior Public Relations Officer
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 768 552087
Email: sowaka [at] eachq.org


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EAC Secretary General pushes for a coordinated approach among Partner States in countering Covid-19 Pandemic

Date Published

EAC Secretary General pushes for a coordinated approach among Partner States in countering Covid-19 Pandemic

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 11th August 2021: The East African Community (EAC) Secretary General, Hon. (Dr.) Peter Mathuki, has called for a coordinated approach among EAC Partner States in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Hon. Mathuki called for the harmonization of COVID-19 testing charges and quarantine administrative procedures across the region. 

Dr. Mathuki further pushed for the strengthening of public-private sector cooperation for joint investment in the manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines. 

The Secretary General, however, noted that there was immense hope in the horizon with all Partner States having embarked on national vaccination drives, adding that more work needs to be done to increase vaccination levels in the region that currently stand at 2% vis-à-vis 70% in other parts of the world. 

Dr. Mathuki urged East Africans to turn out in their numbers for the jab saying that without vaccination, people will fear visiting the region and critical service sectors and especially tourism would continue to suffer. 

Dr. Mathuki said that the EAC would continue pushing for the adoption by Partner States of the EAC Pass, which integrates all EAC Partner States’ negative test results for COVID-19 and those already vaccinated to ensure safe and seamless travel across the region. 

The SG disclosed that the EAC Adhoc Regional Coordination Committee, which has since 2020 been supporting the EAC Partner States through interventions including supporting testing capacity, provision of laboratory supplies, test kits and personal protective equipment, policy guidance and training of key personnel, among other steps, would continue with its work until the pandemic was fully contained. 

The EAC Adhoc Regional Coordination Committee for COVID has been steering the regional response activities against the pandemic including coordination of policy organ meetings and mobilization of resources. 

Hon. (Dr.) Mathuki was speaking during the SG’s First 100 Days Forum that focused on the highlights, challenges and achievements since he assumed office on 27th April, 2021. The forum drew 267 participants including Permanent/Principal Secretaries from EAC Partner States’ Ministries of EAC Affairs, Development Partners, Members of the Diplomatic Community, Private Sector, Civil Society, Staff of EAC Organs and Institutions, and the Media. 

Dr. Mathuki disclosed that he had already held consultations with the members of the Summit of Heads of State to seek their views on how the Community should be run.  

“The Heads of State reiterated that the Community should be steered in the spirit of the EAC Treaty that puts emphasis on a people-centred, market driven and private sector led integration process. These, to accelerate regional growth, create wealth and reduce poverty in the region,” he said. 

“They further emphasised the need to take the EAC integration to the people at the grassroots, as they are the actual owners of the process,” said the Secretary General. 

On the Customs Union and Common Market pillars, Dr. Mathuki disclosed that the 38th Meeting of the Sectoral Council of Ministers on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment (SCTIFI), which was held on 26th May, 2021, had adopted a four-band CET structure (0%, 10% and 25%). The SG said that it was anticipated that an agreement on a rate that is above 25% shall be concluded before the end of 2021. 

On increasing private sector participation in the integration process, Dr. Mathuki said that he had held consultative meetings with the business community in all EAC Partner States to grasp issues hampering the growth of the private sector in the region. 

“The issues include Non-Tariff Barriers, implementation of trade policies and adoption of a regional coordinated approach in handling Covid-19,” said the SG. 

Dr. Mathuki said that the Secretariat had further provided leadership in the formation of a Private Sector Technical Working Group (TWG) between the EAC and EABC, adding that the role of the TWG would be to promote private sector development in the region. 

“The TWG’s specific mandate is to provide a platform for receiving and addressing concerns raised by the business community. It is also tasked with developing a harmonized framework for a collective response by Partner States to COVID-19 in the region, among other things,” said Dr. Mathuki. 

The Secretary General hailed the United Republic of Tanzania and the Republic of Burundi who recently launched their own Trade Information Portals (TIPs), which would map out all their imports, exports and transit procedures, fees and time. 

“It is anticipated that the TIPs will provide information for merchants seeking to do business across the region,” said the SG. 

Dr. Mathuki said that intra-EAC trade had increased significantly over the past three months and singled out the Namanga border post where he said trade between Kenya and Tanzania had risen six-fold. He said that intra-EAC trade currently stands at less than 15% as compared to 70% within the EU and gave an assurance that the Community would try to raise it over the next five years. 

On progress towards the full implementation of the EAC Roaming Framework, Dr. Mathuki reiterated the announcement by Tanzania that it was currently reviewing its legal framework and would be joining the One Network area (ONA) framework on 30th September, 2021.  

“The Republic of Burundi has given an assurance that it will implement the One Network Area by 30th June, 2022. Full implementation of the EAC One Network Area is expected to lower the cost of communication in the region and spur intra-regional trade through harmonization of roaming tariffs,” he said. 

On the East African Monetary Union, the third pillar of the integration, Dr. Mathuki disclosed that the East African Monetary Institute Act had taken effect on 1st July, 2021 and that the EAC Secretariat had invited interested Partner States to submit proposals or applications to host the EAMI.  

“Following this invitation, five EAC Partner States submitted their applications to host the Institute. In line with the EAC procedures, the Secretariat is now in the process of constituting a Verification Committee to verify the said applications, including the suitability of the location and facilities being offered to host the EAMI,” said the SG. 

On the EAC Political Confederation, which is the fourth and ultimate stage in the integration, National consultations for the EAC Political Confederation have so far been held for the Republics of Burundi and the Republic of Rwanda. Plans are at an advanced stage to hold similar consultations in the United Republic of Tanzania, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of Kenya and the Republic of South Sudan. 

On recruitment to 49 vacant positions within the EAC that had been advertised earlier this year, Dr. Mathuki said that the Community had received more than 20,000 applications for the positions, noting that the deluge of applicants was a demonstration of the eagerness of East Africans to serve in the Community.  

The Secretary General said that the profiling and shortlisting of candidates had already been completed, adding that the Partner States through the Council of Ministers had already resolved outstanding issues that had been blocking the recruitment. 

Dr. Mathuki further said that the EAC Sectoral Council on Tourism and Wildlife Management had also met after a while and had already approved the EAC Regional COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Plan, which is set to help the tourism sector in the region recover from the impact of COVID-19. 

On the anticipated entry of the Democratic Republic of Congo into the EAC, Dr. Mathuki disclosed that the Verification Mission that was in Kinshasa from 25th June to 5th July, 2021 had since compiled its report which would be presented to the Council of Ministers as per EAC Procedures for admitting new members into the Community. 

“The entry of DRC will be a game-changer in as far as intra-regional trade in East Africa is concerned. In 2018, for instance, the value of imported goods into the DRC stood at $7.4 billion. From this, the value of EAC exports to the DRC stood at 855.4 million dollars only, which represents just 11.5 % of DRC imports,” he said. 

“In terms of market control, China has the largest share of the DRC market with imports from China having a share of 31.2 %; South Africa follows at 15.8% and Zambia takes third position at 13%,” said Dr. Mathuki, adding that the entry of DRC into the EAC would expand the bloc’s market to almost 300 million people, which would be highly competitive and attractive at a global level. 

On revitalization of relations with Development Partners, Dr. Mathuki disclosed that over the last 100 days, he had held consultative meetings with various development partners to explore areas of supporting the bloc’s programmes and projects, adding that development partners had reaffirmed their commitment to working with the EAC. 

On improving working relations between the EAC Organs and Institutions, Dr. Mathuki said that the EAC Organs and Institutions were now working harmoniously and were committed to performing their roles in line with their objectives as set out in the Treaty.  

On renewing relations with the Civil Society, the Secretary General said that he had already held discussions with the Chairman of the East African Civil Society Organizations’ Forum (EACSOF) on modalities to revive the EAC SG forum to ensure the active participation of the civil society in the integration. 

On his part, Director General of Customs and Trade at the EAC Secretariat, Mr. Kenneth Bagamuhunda informed the meeting that one of the important objectives of the community is to reduce the cost of doing business in the region.  He disclosed that several milestones have been recorded in reducing cost of doing business in region inform of clearance time and documentation at the borders.

“The turnaround period has reduced tremendously from the ports to the inland and also inland to the ports in regard to export of goods. We have achieved about 70% reduction in terms of turnaround time”, added Director General.

For a full recording of the Secretary General's First 100 Days Online Forum, Media Briefing, and Documentary please visit www.eac.int/100days

For more information, please contact:

Simon Peter Owaka
Senior Public Relations Officer
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 768 552087
Email: sowaka [at] eachq.org


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EAC Secretary General calls on East Africans to turn out in large numbers for vaccination against Covid-19

Date Published

EAC Secretary General calls on East Africans to turn out in large numbers for vaccination against Covid-19

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 10th January, 2022: East African Community Secretary General Hon. (Dr.) Peter Mathuki, has called upon East Africans to turn out in large numbers as part of collective efforts to contain the spread of the deadly Covid-19 virus the region.  

Dr. Mathuki also encouraged those who have been vaccinated to go for booster shots to ensure continued protection against the virus. 

Dr. Mathuki said that resistance to vaccines was undermining efforts to jumpstart the regional economy after the damage caused by the virus. 

The Secretary General said the global trend was that vaccination certificates would soon be required for travellers and those seeking to participate in meetings and conferences. 

Dr. Mathuki hailed EAC Partner States for their on-going effort to integrate their systems with the EACPass, a digital system that would be used to track negative Covid-19 test results and vaccination certificates thereby easing cross-border travel and trade in the region. 

The SG who was making his New Year Address to Staff of EAC Organs and Institutions through a hybrid format, said that synergy among EAC Partner States and other stakeholders was the best way to contain the pandemic. 

“One of the most gigantic challenges of our time is how to manage our region with the current global pandemic. It is a daunting task to bring everyone on board in addressing Covid-19 related challenges, specifically to have a common understanding and appreciation of the risks, and to comply with preventive, containment and mitigation measures. I encourage that we pull together, notwithstanding that the situation is worsening with the emergence of the Omicron variant,” said the Dr. Mathuki. 

“We continue to operate under a challenging environment of Covid-19, which has and continues to affect every organisation and family. As a result of Covid-19, EAC as a region, has lost a number of leaders and citizens,” said the SG. 

Dr. Mathuki reminded EAC Staff of their obligation to assist Partner States overcome diverse socio-economic and political challenges that face the region by developing relevant policies, strategies, guidelines and systems to address the challenges. 

Dr. Mathuki hailed EAC Organs and Institutions for various achievements in 2021. He disclosed that the East African Legislative Assembly had held eight (8) sittings during which it passed several Bills among them, ‘The East African Community Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2020’ and ‘The East African Community Integrity and Anti-Corruption Bill, 2021.” 

He praised the East African Court of Justice for celebrating 20 years since its inauguration in 2001. 


“The Court held sessions for the first time in a Partner State outside the Headquarters in November, where both divisions conducted sessions in Bujumbura, Burundi. The Court completed its first mediation case involving parties from the Republic of South Sudan, an indicator of the expanding jurisdiction in the alternative dispute resolution mechanism of the Court,” said the SG. 

On the Lake Victoria Basin Commission, the SG said that the Commission had in collaboration with the Secretariat concluded negotiations with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany leading to new financial cooperation projects totalling to 18.3 million Euros. 

“The Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization trained 85 women and youth from Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania on improved dagaa value addition and packaging,” said Dr. Mathuki. 

On the Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA), the Secretary General said that the agency had provided technical support to the Partner States to develop Model EAC (Civil Aviation) Regulations and Technical Guidance Materials. 

“CASSOA is also working on the finalisation of the Centre for Aviation Medicine in Nairobi, Kenya which will be the centre of excellence on matters of aeromedical standards,” said the Secretary General. 

He hailed the East African Competition Authority (EACA) for developing the EACA Outreach and Advocacy Strategy 2021/2022 – 2025/2026, which was approved by SCTIFI and adopted by the Council. 

The SG praised the East African Kiswahili Commission for the progress made so far in the adoption of Kiswahili and French as Official Languages of the Community as per the directive of the 21st Ordinary Meeting of the Summit of EAC Heads of State to the Council of Ministers. 

“A roadmap for implementing Kiswahili and French as Languages of the Community is being developed. We have already reached out to several development partners who have shown commitment to support these efforts in addition to the promises of our own Partner States,” said Dr. Mathuki. 

“The addition of the two official languages and English will open up more possibilities for the implementation of our regional integration agenda with more inclusivity.” 

Dr. Mathuki singled out holding the 3rd EAC Regional e-Health and Telemedicine Workshop, Ministerial Conference and Virtual Exhibition in Rubavu, Rwanda as one of the key achievements of the East African Science and Technology Commission in 2021. 

For the East African Health Research Commission, Dr. Mathuki disclosed that the Commission had developed a disease surveillance dashboard for the EAC Partner States and the world map health real-time through the EA web portal, adding that the dashboard provides Covid-19 status in real-time in the region.  

On the Inter-University Council of East Africa, the Secretary-General said that the Council’s biggest achievement was increasing the number of students enrolled under EAC-KFW Scholarship Programme such that there are now 117 EAC nationals pursuing fully funded Master’s degree studies in the fields of Mathematics, Engineering, Informatics, Science, Technology and Business Science outside their home countries within the EAC. 

Speaking at the event, the Judge President of the East African Court of Justice, Justice Nestor Kayobera, urged EAC Partner States governments as well as EAC Organs and Institutions to respect the rule of law by abiding with the provisions of the EAC Treaty.  

On his part, the Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly, Rt. Hon. Ngoga Martin, urged the Council of Ministers to move fast to resolve issues that have been hindering the progress of the Community. 

Also present at the function were the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of the Productive and Social Sectors, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, his Planning, Infrastructure, & Finance and Administration counterpart, Eng. Steven Mlote, the Director General-Customs and Trade, Mr. Kenneth Bagamuhunda, and the Heads of EAC Institutions. 

For more information, please contact:

Simon Peter Owaka
Senior Public Relations Officer
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 768 552087
Email: sowaka [at] eachq.org

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EAC Official commends Parter States for Promoting Tourism and Wildlife Management Sector

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EAC Official commends Parter States for Promoting Tourism and Wildlife Management Sector

East African Community Secretariat; Arusha, Tanzania; 10 April 2017:|
The Deputy Secretary General in charge of Productive and Social Sectors, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, has commended the EAC Partner States for their willingness to promote Tourism and Wildlife Management sector in a coordinated manner as illustrated by their renewed commitment in supporting regional tourism development and wildlife conservation, in the overall context advancing the EAC integration agenda.

The Deputy Secretary General, who was addressing Partner States’ delegates attending the just concluded 7th Meeting of the Sectoral Council on Tourism and Wildlife Management in Kampala, Uganda, reiterated the need to continuously market the region as a single destination and the need for the region to enhance its marketing strategies not only internationally but also regionally.

Hon. Christophe Bazivamo further noted that in the last decade, the region had witnessed a decline in wildlife population exacerbated by poaching and illegal trafficking of wildlife and wildlife products and commended the discussions by Partner States on anti-poaching initiatives being carried out in the region by individual Partner states and how those initiatives could be merged into a regional action plan to deal with poaching activities of wildlife and wildlife products.

The 7th Meeting of the Sectoral Council on Tourism and Wildlife Management considered amongst others; implementation status of previous decisions and directives of the Sectoral Councils/Council; the draft Regional Strategy to Combat Poaching and Illegal Trafficking of Wildlife and Wildlife products; the draft Terms of Reference for the two Sub-Committees on Tourism and Wildlife Conservation and Management; and Progress report of the activities of the Tourism and Wildlife Management Sector in general, including the draft Protocol of Cooperation in Tourism and Wildlife Management. The implementation of the Single Tourist Visa by all partner states was also tabled.

The Chair of the Sectoral Council commended the good work done by the Partner States in deliberating on key issues and reviewing progresses in the implementation of previous decisions and recommending the way forward for efficient and successful implementation of the tourism development and wildlife conservation programs and initiatives by the EAC. More importantly, he underscored the focus by Partner States on how to enhance their individual synergies to create the much-needed visibility but also to strategize on how to become a competitive block in relation to other tourist destinations.

The EAC Council of Ministers have recognized the serious threats to the survival of many wildlife species in the region and recommended the EAC Secretariat to develop regional strategy to combat poaching and illegal trafficking of wildlife and wildlife products. That strategy has been developed and awaits adoption by the Sectoral Council for its implementation.

The Sectoral Council meeting in Kampala also noted that progress had been made by the EAC in marketing the region with the view of ensuring that the sector makes tangible impact on the lives of the people of the region. It was noted that the region stands to benefit holistically from the Single Tourist Visa Regime. Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda were commended for introducing and implementing the Single Tourist Visa.

The meeting directed the EAC Secretariat to expedite crafting of a road map to guide the full implementation of the Single Tourist Visa Regime by all EAC Partner States.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

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EAC urges Partner States to step up preventive measures against vector-borne diseases after heavy rains

Date Published

EAC urges Partner States to step up preventive measures against vector-borne diseases after heavy rains

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, 10th March 2022: The East African Community Secretariat urges EAC Partner States to step up measures to prevent and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases following heavy rains in parts of the EAC region. The recommendation follows reports of an outbreak of Yellow Fever in Kenya that has caused the death of at least three people and information on outbreaks of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) among livestock in EAC Partner States received by the EAC Secretariat.

“The heavy rainfalls and high temperatures have resulted in high numbers of mosquitos which transmit vector-borne diseases,” says EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Productive and Social Sectors, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo. He has urged EAC Partner States to report such outbreaks to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) as required and cautioned that the outbreaks of Rift Valley Fever might be followed by human cases if adequate measures are not taken in time. He also alled for EAC Partner States to step up disease surveillance, control, and vaccination against Yellow Fever among their citizens.

Kenya’s Ministry of Health reported on 5th March, 2022 that the government has activated its health emergency response mechanisms following the death of three persons attributed to an outbreak of Yellow Fever in Isiolo County, Eastern Kenya. According to the report, the first case was detected on January 12th this year. Subsequently, 15 patients presented with yellow fever symptoms that include headache, fever, jaundice, muscle and joint pains.

Yellow Fever epidemics can occur when infected people introduce the virus into heavily populated areas with high mosquito density and where most people have little or no immunity, due to a lack of vaccination. Mosquitoes can then transmit the virus from person to person. Patients who contract the virus develop severe symptoms and about 20% of those die within 7 to 10 days (although there are wide variations among countries). Yellow fever is prevented by an extremely effective vaccine, which is safe and affordable. Although there is no cure for Yellow Fever, a single dose of vaccine is sufficient to grant sustained immunity and life-long protection against the disease.

The EAC Secretariat recommends that people protect themselves and especially children against mosquito bites by using mosquito nets, applying insect repellents and avoiding outdoor activities at peak biting times of mosquitos and by eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites.

Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a disease that affects and kills humans and animals. It is caused by a virus spread by blood sucking mosquitoes and can be transmitted to those individuals who are in close contact with contaminated blood, such as veterinarians, butchers, or animal handlers. Although RVF often causes severe illness in animals, most people with RVF have either no symptoms or a mild illness with fever, weakness, back pain, and dizziness. However, a small percentage (8-10%) of people with RVF develop much more severe symptoms, including eye disease, hemorrhage (excessive bleeding), and encephalitis (swelling of the brain). RVF can also cause significant economic losses due to death and abortion among RVF-infected livestock.

People should practice hand hygiene, wear gloves and other appropriate individual protective equipment when handling sick animals or their tissues or when slaughtering animals. In case of an RVF outbreak, people should avoid consuming fresh blood, raw milk or animal tissue and products without thoroughly roasting them.

The EAC Secretariat further recommends that Partner States intensify risk communication activities with preventive messages that enable the public to manage the risks at hand. In addition, meteorology departments should continue to monitor and analyse the weather patterns and share information with other departments to plan and prepare for outbreaks of infectious diseases of public health concern.

For more information, please contact:

Simon Peter Owaka
Senior Public Relations Officer
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 768 552087
Email: sowaka [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of six Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The EAC Secretariat is ISO 9001: 2015 Certified

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The impact of COVID-19 on Small-Scale Cross Border Traders in EAC

Date Published

The impact of COVID-19 on Small-Scale Cross Border Traders in EAC

Over the past few months, the world has seen COVID-19 wreak havoc as fatalities rise and economies fall, setting in motion a global recession. Now spreading across Africa, the virus is finding its way into poor rural communities, neighborhoods of the urban poor, refugee camps, and middle and upper-class neighborhoods, where cosmopolitan travellers may have brought it to the continent. Hope exists that the experience of past public health crises, lockdown measures, and the younger population will help reduce the impacts. 

As in other places, COVID is colliding with economic contraction, conflict, and climate-related disasters, bringing to the foredeep inequalities. In East Africa, the pandemic is aggravated by the simultaneous resurgence of one of the largest outbreaks of locusts in decades in the region, raising fears of devastating food shortages while countries are struggling to contain the pandemic

To slow the spread of the virus, several countries have shut their borders; on March 23rd, Kenya and Uganda closed their two busiest border posts at Busia and Malaba, allowing only heavy commercial vehicles with a driver and assistant to cross and requiring them to pass a COVID 19 swab test. With these restrictions, Kenya and Uganda-bound trucks and fuel tankers on the border have been stuck for hours, one driver reporting he spent more than 12 hours waiting for Kenyan officials to let him through. Recently, drivers in Malaba went on strike to protest the conditions.

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